25 apr 2013

a day at the zoo Cappeller

waiting for the kangaroo jumps

with granny

look daddy...i've found a buddy! but i'm the one who drives!

today is a national holiday in italy: liberation's day (to remember the liberation from the fascist party). giulio is in dubai for work (daddy we miss you so much!!) so we spent the day with granny at the zoo, Parco Faunistico Cappeller. it's very close from where i live and so nice! zoeti had a lot of fun (and we too)! we had the chance to see exotical animals such as camels and kangaroos, several types of monkeys, pinguins, a great variety of birds, some ostrichs (they are very big!) and reptiles. i had already seen some of that animals in our trips to australia, south america or south africa, so it was both fun and weird seeing them here. i think that zoeti is still too little to understand what's this and that but she enjoyed the animals calls and their movements. the park is a must for families: not only to see animals but also to have picnics or enjoying the playgrounds. 

and we spent the evening at my parent's house, between the swing and some cherry blossoms...

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