18 apr 2013

5# book review

one of my resolution for this year was to read one book per month (see  my resolutions here)  well... i'm doing it and i still can not believe it! i always loved reading but with a child it's not so easy... with two i think i can forget it for at least one year!
this month i read Limonov by Emmanuel Carrère. it's a biography on a russian men, Eduard Limonov; who was writer and politician, a bit fictional.

his life was nothing less that pure adventure: first in ukraine, then in russia, where he met his first wife. after he moved to new york and paris, where he felt the real degradation and he wrote his first romance.

it's hard to believe that what's writing is actually true (even with some literary fiction!)

i don't know if you can find this book in english, but in french for sure!

now i'm reading all baby and pregnancy related book, and something about siblings... if you have any suggestion about this last theme please tell me! as i said i'm only child so seeing relationship between brothers and sisters is brand new to me!

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